Friday, 18 May 2012

12,000 rain gardens

The Puget Sound region of Washington State is tackling water quality issues with a new campaign to install 12,000 rain gardens by 2016. Once completed, these rain gardens will soak up 160 million gallons of polluted stormwater runoff each year. This innovative campaign offers financial incentives and comprehensive educational materials to neighbourhoods as a way to encourage individuals to do their own part to reduce the amount of pollutants entering the environment while solving drainage problems around their own homes. By encouraging individuals to become neighbourhood champions and recruit others, entire neighbourhoods are coming together to learn about and install rain gardens.The campaign currently has 706 raingardens installed.

Check out the website to find some great resource materials and learn more about the program.


  1. Here is another implementation in the 12,000 rain garden campaign - the 8th Ave Street of Green

  2. Thanks for sharing. We look forward to following the progress of the 12,000 rain gardens campaign!

  3. True enough, rain gardens provide ecological benefits because it is valuable in storm water management. It improves water quality by absorbing the water, controlling the water runoff and creating new habitats for insects and other wildlife. In addition, installing underground storm water systems are also a preventive measure to mitigate the negative effects of storm water through pollutant filtering and infiltration.
