Friday 16 December 2011


The Prospect Road Community Centre was built in 2010 with several stormwater features  incorporated into the building's design. Runoff from the roof is collected in a large underground cistern and reused in the building for non-potable uses such as flushing toilets.
Runoff from the site and parking lot are collected in bioswales, which are vegetated depressions where water collects and soaks into the ground. This filtration improves water quality by removing pollutants and allows for water to re-enter the ground, recharging groundwater supply.
Water enters the bioswale through curb openings
The bioswales are composed of an underground perforated pipe surrounded by 5 feet of rock and gravel. During an extreme precipitation event, high volumes of water flow overland into the bioswales, flooding the rock area and overflowing into the perforated pipe. The water is then collected and piped off-site, ultimately draining into a natural wetland adjacent to the building. 
 Bioswales reduce strain on built stormwater systems and reduce likelihood of flooding and infrastructure damage by passively allowing water to move off-site. This engineered system mimics how water would naturally flow in an unaltered environment. Bioswales are not only useful, but also can be an attractive landscape feature.
Water drains off-site into a natural wetland

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